Anytime we ever hear of a dog attack, I ask my husband, "Who could love a dog like that?" I can never mentally envision a way to love a dog that has that aggression in him (her). But, aggressive dogs are not always scared nor always angry. Sometimes they are silly or cuddley or wishing for love and attention. Ozzy taught me that.
I always thought that all puppies could be cured of their spiritual woes with love, time and attention. I thought puppies would be easier to rescue. That's not always true. Ozzy taught me that.
I've always judged a person who owns an aggressive dog as brutish and abusive or silly and weak. But, they're not always so. Sometimes, they want to find a way to help an easily frightened dog. Sometimes, they love that dog and want to "make it better". Ozzy taught me that.
I've always thought love, attention and time were enough to cure a dog's broken spirit. I always thought I was a better dog owner than most. I thought I could heal most dogs of their emotionally afflictions. I could not. Ozzy taught me that. RIP Ozzy, 3-13-2012.